With Google Workspace
In order to configure Interact with Google Workspace for SAML single sign-on, follow the simple instructions outlined below.
The first thing that needs to be completed is the creation of the SAML Authentication source within Interact. Follow the steps on the Configuring SAML Single Sign On page to create the initial SAML source within your Interact Intranet
Login to Google Workspace as an administrator and select "Apps".

Select which type of App to add, for SAML select "SAML Apps".

From here you will need to select "Setup my own custom App" as Interact isn't within the list as a predefined configuration.
You are now presented with fields that are required for use within Interact.
Copy the SSO URL and enter it into the 'Identity Login' field within Interact.
Copy the Entity ID and enter it into the 'Identity Provider URN' field within Interact.
Download the Certificate and upload it to Interact.
Please note: the Certificate should have a .cert extension, if it doesn't this will need to be edited before uploading
The App now needs to be named, in our example we have named it 'Interact', add a description and a logo.
This step requires information from the Interact screen.
The ACS URL is the following:
The entity ID is the field within the SAML Authentication screen within Interact which begins with "urn" in the example below it is urn:interact:circleb987654321
Do not tick the "Signed Response URL"
Check that the Name ID matches how your users are identified within Interact.
Update the Name ID Format.

Once configured you may have to wait up to 24 hours initially as specified by Google.
You should now be setup to authenticate using Google as your authentication provider.
Updated about 2 years ago