How to set up a Workplace Search Custom Connector


Workplace Search Custom Connector API vs the REST API Authentication

The Workplace Search Custom Connector API authentication mechanism is distinct from the REST API, in that a specific API Key is used per connector for authentication.


In order to be able to use the Workplace Search Custom Connector APIs you will need to create your own Custom Connector.

This connector will communicate with the Workplace Search Custom Connector API.

By using the Workplace Search Custom Connector API, you will be in complete control of what is pushed into the search index and when.

Setting up a Workplace Search Application

On your Intranet homepage, select the Profile icon and then Control Panel.

Select Workplace Search which is under the Developer Framework group.

A page displaying your Workplace Search applications is displayed.

To add a new Custom Connector, click the Create New Connector button. You will then be presented with the option to select which type of connector you want to select.

Select Custom and click Next. You will then be presented with a page to configure the new Custom Connector.

Enter a Name

  • The name of your Search App.

Enter a Secret Key

  • Please generate and add a Secret Key
  • You should never expose your Secret Key in any public websites or client-side code. It should only be used within your custom external application to communicate with the Workplace Search Custom Connector APIs.
  • The secret key you enter here will need to be included with any HTTP Request to the Workplace Search Custom Connector APIs as an X-ApiKey HTTP header.'

Enter a Content Type

  • The Content Type only needs to be provided if using the Legacy APIs. The new APIs allow you to specify the Content Type per document.
    • If using the legacy APIs, please add content type name, this is what will be used in the search results as a filter option.
    • If using the new APIs, then you can enter any value into this field. E.g. "-".

Enter the Asset Id for Search Result Icon

  • The Search Result Icon only needs to be provided if using the Legacy APIs. The new APIs allow you to specify the Icon per document.
    • If using the legacy APIs, please add the ID of the image asset you want to use for your icon.
    • If using the new APIs, then can enter any value into this field. E.g. "-1"

Click Save.

You will now be able to use the Workplace Search Custom Connector APIs to push documents to Interact