
The following code is an example of a JSON payload that is triggered when a post is made to the timeline.

"documentdata": {
    // if the newsfeed action is performed directly against an entity then the entity type is stored here
    "type": "Document",
    //  if the newsfeed action is performed directly against an entity then the entuty facet is stored here
    "typefacet": "Page",
    // a unique identifier for the newsfeed action 
    "uid": "Document_8816",
    // potentially non-unique action id (internal use)
    "actionid": 8816,
    // the type of action that has been performed
    "actiontype": "WallPost",
    // some actions such as updating a page are aggregated daily, so for those types, aggregatedcount indicates the number of times that action has been performed that day against that entity
    "aggregatedcount": 0,
    // the top level section (content area) id
    "contentareaid": 1818,
    // the id of the section in which the action took place (normally the same as the content area id)
    "sectionid": 1818,
    // any additional sections associated with this item, e.g. for pages these are category ids
    "additionalsectionid": [
    // the section id tree to the content, i.e. the "sectionid" and "additionalsectionids" and all parent section ids up to (and including) the content area id
    "discoverablesectionid": [
    // the id of the user who performed the action
    "actorid": 264,
    // the name of the user who performed the action
    "actorname": "John Richards",
    // the asset if of the user who performed the action
    "actorassetid": 250196,
    // the id of the entity which the action was performed against
    "targetid": 1110,
    // the asset if of the entity which the action was performed against
    "targetassetid": 250097,
    // the type of entity that the action was performed against
    "targettype": "Page",
    // the title/name of the entity which the action was performed against
    "targetname": "Implementing Salesforce ",
    // an array of users ids whom have liked the action
    "likedbypersonid": [
    // an array of users ids whom have commented on the action
    "commentedbypersonid": [
    // an array of the actor id plus any aggregate actor ids
    "displaypersonid": [
    // the number of likes which the action has received
    "likecount": 2,
    // the number of comments which the action has received
    "commentcount": 1,
    // any dynamic action data, such as the text entered as a wall post
    "data": "Who can I speak with about this? I heard @[John Richards](Person:322) might know? #saleforce",
    // a collection of additional information relating to the newsfeed item
    "additionaldata": {
        // an array of more detailed like information for this newsfeed item
        "likes": [
                // the id of the user who liked the action
                "personid": 282,
                // the name of the user who liked the action
                "personname": "John Thompson",
                // the datetime of the like
                "date": "2020-06-22T14:24:42.55"
                "personid": 280,
                "personname": "James Ball",
                "date": "2020-06-22T14:25:17.46"
        // an array of detailed comment information for this newsfeed item
        "commentactions": [
                // the unique action id of the comment action
                "actionid": 8820,
                // the id of the person who commented on the main action
                "personid": 280,
                // the name of the person who commented on the main action
                "personname": "James Ball",
                // the datetime of the comment
                "date": "2020-06-22T14:25:27.857",
                // the comment text
                "data": "Yeah he knows about it.",
                // an array of like information for the comment
                "likes": [
                        // the user ID who liked the comment
                        "personid": 273,
                        // the name of the user who liked the comment
                        "personname": "Sally Robinson",
                        // the datetime of the like
                        "date": "2020-06-22T14:25:47.467"
        // an array of additional actors for aggregate action types 
        "aggregateactors": []
    // the datetime which the newsfeed item was last updated
    "updateddate": "2020-06-22T13:50:15.88",
    // the datetime which the newsfeed item was originally created
    "inserteddate": "2020-06-22T14:34:58.2709755Z",
    // the datetime which the newsfeed item was last liked
    "lastlikeddate": "2020-06-22T14:25:17.46",
    // the datetime which the newsfeed item was last commented
    "lastcommenteddate": "2020-06-22T14:25:27.857",
    // the datetime which the newsfeed item was last commented/liked/or had an additional aggregate actor
    "lastinteracteddate": "2020-06-22T14:25:27.857",
    // the ids of any users who were @mentioned in the 'data' property
    "mentionedpeople": [
    // any #tags which were included in the data property
    "hashtags": [
    // whether this item is a person wall post with the private checkbox selected
    "isprivate": false,
    // the date at which it is meaningful to show the newsfeed item in the newsfeed (e.g. if it a page comment on a page that has not yet been published)
    "startdate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    // whether the action is in a publicly accessible section (this does not mean every user will be able to view this action)
    "ispublic": false,
    // an array of organisation ids which are permitted to view the action (if ispublic is true, this field will not be present)
    "allowedorganisations": [
    // an array of user ids which are permitted to view the action (if ispublic is true, this field will not be present)
    "allowedpeople": [
    // an array of user ids which are excluded from viewing the action (if ispublic is false, this field may not be present)
    "disallowedorganisations": [
    // an array of user ids which are permitted to view the action (if ispublic is false, this field may not be present)
    "disallowedpeople": [

A list of possible ActionTypes is available here Enumerated types