Promoting to Microsoft Teams

The Block Editor feature within Interact allows Content Authors to promote content across many channels within your business including Microsoft Teams. The following guide explains how to configure Interact to promote to your Teams workspace.

Creating an Incoming Webhook

  1. Open the channel in which you want to add the webhook and select ••• from the upper-right corner.

  2. Select Connectors from the dropdown menu.

  1. Search for 'Incoming Webhook' and select Add.
  1. You'll be presented with another screen that prompts you to click Add again
  1. Return to the 'Connectors' screen by selecting ••• from the upper-right corner again and clicking on 'Connectors'.

  2. Select Configure, provide a name, and upload an image for your webhook if necessary.

  1. Copy and save the unique webhook URL present in the dialog. The URL maps to the channel and you can use it to send information to Teams.

  2. Select Done.


The webhook is now available in the Teams channel. You can read more about Incoming Webhooks and even see a video tutorial of the above steps on the Microsoft website:

Configuring Interact to be able to Promote a Page to your Teams workspace.

  1. From Application Settings > Control Panel > Block Editor > Promotion Channels > Add New Channel
  2. Specify the Name and Type. The Name is what your Content Authors will see when they are selecting which platform to promote to so 'Teams' is fine here. The 'Type' field must be set to 'm365teams'.
  3. Mark it as active.
  4. Paste the code below into the 'Configuration' field but use your own Webhook URL. Provider can remain as incoming-webhook.
  5. Click Save.

You should now be able to Promote a Page to a public or private Teams channel.

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