Get a list of all users

The example below shows how to login to the API and retrieve a list of all users in the people directory.

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

$username = "{username}"
$password = "{password}"
$tenantGuid = "{tenantguid}"
$apiuri = "{apiurl}"

function LogIn(){
    # Write a syncoption element using the passed values
    $log = @{
        "grant_type" = "password"
        "username" = $username
        "password" = $password}

    $header = @{
        "X-Tenant" = $tenantGuid}

    $api = Invoke-Restmethod -Uri ($apiuri + "/token") -Method post -Body $log -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Headers $header

    return $api.access_token

function GetPeople([string] $token){
    $authenticateHeader = @{
        "X-Tenant" = $tenantGuid
        "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $token}

    $peopleUri = ($apiuri + "/api/people")

    # Initialise offset value at 0
    $offset = 0
    $limit = 50
    $continue = $true

        $uriQ = $peopleUri + "?limit=" + $limit + "&offset=" + $offset
        # Launch + access API
        $people = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uriQ -Method GET -Body $log -ContentType $content -headers $authenticateHeader

        foreach($person in $people.results){
            ProcessPerson $person

        if($people.results.count -ne $limit){
          $continue = $false;
        $offset += $limit

function ProcessPerson($person){
    #Do something to the person
    Write-Host $person.FullName;

$token = LogIn
GetPeople $token